the Bliss Movement Approach
Yoga & Art
With BLiSS (ananda), living in the moment, utilizing Meditation & Breathwork are the Core
Add, the Creative Process with a Nuance of Mindfulness

Bringing the Eastern-Based Yoga Tradition together with Classic
Artist Ideologies forming a Cohesive & Whole

the YOGA
The Practice of Eastern Yoga
In Sanskrit texts, Rāja yoga was both the goal of yoga and a method to attain it. The term also became a modern name for the practice of yoga in the 19th-century when Swami Vivekananda gave his interpretation of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali in his book Raja Yoga.
Raja & Sivananada
The blending of Hatha yoga as practiced in Ancient times, moving One forward in the Hatha realm, which means, Sun & Moon...putting aside the Western Yoga now popular & bringing back the roots of Balance as so rightly prominent in the Eastern Philosophy of the Yogic Body.

Spiritual Healing
the divinity of your Spiritual Health is Vital using Sound Therapy, Intuitive Healing, GoddessTarot & Self-Awareness
Scrying, Guided Meditations +
Spiritual Counseling goes beyond traditional forms of therapy by tapping into the importance of Spirit, Equanimity, Kundalini or Sensual Awakening & Energic Healing
in a variety of formats provided.
An open mind is all that's needed to benefit from Spiritual counseling.
M.Ed. Fine Arts Education
Therapeutic Art Facilitator

How Art Helps...
You want to express your feelings / emotions in a creative way - and it’s time finally release your emotions on paper and tap into your creativity. Maybe -
You feel overwhelmed with emotions and not know what to do
You feel disconnected or numb from feelings
You don’t know where to start in order to practice therapeutic art
You have tried coloring books before but it either didn’t work for you, or you want to do more than just coloring
You’re struggling to let go of emotions but don’t know how to do it
You find it hard to consistently keep your creativity alive
Imagine if you had more clarity and calmness around what you are feeling and thinking…
Imagine you could tune into your emotions and your intuition, and express them on paper.
Maybe you’re ready to express yourself through art, but you’ve got a lot of blocks and questions.
“How do I even start ___?”
“I don’t even have much skills/I’m not good with art, how could I do this?”
“What exercise or materials would help me the best? What is the most therapeutic art process for me in terms of letting go of my emotions?”
I know there can be a lot of questions and blocks when you’re starting to practice therapeutic art for yourself. If you don’t have structure or experience, it can be easy to complicate it, get off track, or never benefit from the consistent practice. Without guidance and support, it can be difficult to know what to do.